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HandPicked Tools

1200+ Hand-Curated list of the best internet tools.

Full stack developers tools, mobile developers tools, Learning resources, AI tools, Youtube learning channels, stock photos, packages and more...

E-Commerce/ Desktop Application

React app

Shoppr - Ready to use E-Commerce Application

Shoppr is an e-commerce app build with React Native and Flutter which contains 15 screens for a production ready e-commerce applications. Compatible with Android and iOS application.

Billit desktop app

BILLIT - Billing Application for Desktop

A desktop application for managing inventory and print bills. Build with latest Flutter version. Suitable for small and medium businesses.

Location APIs

More than 4 million zipcode data, distance between latitude and longitude, near by places and more...

Zipcode API

Pincode API

All the India Pincodes available with latitude and longitude details. You can also get the near by areas of a pincode or find near by areas by a latitude and longitude, approximate distance between two areas.

Global Zipcode API

Get the zip code details of countries by state, area, latitude and longitude, nearby places, distance between two places and distance between two places with latitude and longitude. There are more than 4 million zip codes from 94 countries covered with this API.


React app

Learn JavaScript From Beginner to Master

Start learn this beautiful programming language now when it is not late. This book explains the basic concept of JavaScript language and advance your skills.

React app

ChatGPT Prompts For Developers

Developers can easily generate high-quality responses, code snippets, review the code, debugging and code alternatives by using prompt templates.

Free to download

Mini store template

Mini Store - Responsive Store Template

Build by using Astro and Tailwind CSS. You can display your digital product from services like Gumroad or teachable.

Download Store Template
Miranda tailwind css template

Miranda - Responsive Portfolio Template

Compatible with all modern browsers, dark theme, Swiper slider and more...

Download Portfolio Template
Melina tailwind template

Melina - Responsive Portfolio Templates

Dark and light mode, clean code, validated PHP contact form and more...

Download Portfolio Template
Swiper series bundles

Swiper Sliders Bundle

Swiper sliders bundle is a collection of various sorts of sliders built with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

Download Swiper Bundle

Learning Application

Interview app

Interview Question App

Interview Questions app gives you wide range of job interview questions and answers in most wanted technologies. The answers are carefully crafted with details and example code to be concise and be understandable. This application contains 1700+ questions in 35+ topics.

GET IT ON Google Play

Popular Articles

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Angular Interview Questions

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Node JS Interview Questions

Frequently asked 65 Interview Questions from top companies

Read Node JS Interview Questions
Javascript palindrome


How to check the Palindrome in JavaScript

Two different ways to check palindrome in JavaScript with example code

Learn about Javascript Palindrome
JavaScript poster


JavaScript Interview Questions

Updated 60 Interview Question and answers from popular tech companies

Read JavaScript Interview Questions
Tallstack poster


TALL Stack and it’s resources

You should be aware of TALL Stack and it’s resources Filament, Blade UI and more

Read about Tall stack
codenippet poster


Awesome Six Code Snippets Tools

Awesome Six tools to create beautiful images of your code snippets

Read about code snippets tools

Popular YouTube Videos

Thumbnail Swiper Slider

Thumbnail Swiper Slider

Creating thumbnail slider with thumbs options using React and CSS3.

Watch Thumbnail Swiper Slider Video
Horizontal Grid Slider

Horizontal Grid Slider

Responsive grid slider with options slider per view 3 & 4, grid rows and pagination type bullet using JavaScript.

Watch Horizontal Grid Slider Video
Vertical Scroll Slider

Vertical Scroll Slider

Full width vertical scroll slider with options direction vertical, mouse wheel and fade effect using JavaScript.

Watch Vertical Scroll Slider Video

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